Appendix 1: Graffiti Reduction Strategy – delivery of action plan


This table sets out the activities delivered against the four themes in the Graffiti Reduction Strategy since 2018.




Activities delivered




Improve joint working between BHCC teams to reduce incidences of graffiti

Work with the Events Team to ask film makers in the city to remove graffiti before filming

Work with Trading Standards to educate shop keepers on the sales of spray paint to under 16s

Work with Highways, Major Projects and Planning to ensure graffiti prevention is considered in future designs

Work with housing and estates to implement preventative measures to reduce the amount of graffiti on BHCC housing

Contracted a graffiti removal company, in February 2021, to remove graffiti along the seafront; this includes patrolling twice weekly, covering the seafront land south of the A259 between Hove Lagoon and Saltdean. They will also attend immediately to reports of offensive graffiti

Met with Trading Standards to discuss join visits to premises in the city that sell spray paint; action plan under development

Met, and continue to meet with, BHCC teams to discuss preventative measures and solutions

Started working with the Arts Team to explore using murals in hot spot locations

Input into the design of new schemes to advise of preventative graffiti measures

Educate Brighton & Hove residents on the impact, cost and consequences of graffiti

Develop a multi-agency media campaign across channels (social media, website, high footfall areas) to highlight the impact, cost and consequences of graffiti

Release media statement, supporting social media posts and a newsroom article on the BHCC website

Compile information pack on the impact, the cost and the penalties of graffiti using nudge techniques for a variety of audiences

Implemented “graffiti is a crime signage” in hotspots across the city

Published several news stories since 2018, which include regular messaging on how the council is tackling graffiti tagging and how residents can help (see the end of this document for the news stories published)

Published information on the number of Fixed Penalty Notices issued

Published news stories when perpetrators are prosecuted, detailing the sanctions

Provide opportunities and spaces for urban art projects and safe spaces for graffiti

Hold a consultation with residents on safe spaces for graffiti projects

Work with youth services and local artists to organise urban art projects

Appoint relevant governance to supervise projects

Work with Phoenix Brighton to organise an urban art project with local youth

In partnership with Phoenix Arts Association and local artists, created a mural on New England Bridge

In partnership with local residents, artists and the BHCC Communities Team, created a mural at tagging hotspot on Upper Lewes Road

In partnership with Octopus Energy, local artists and young people, created a mural at The Level, with a focus on environmental issues which was showcased at COP26

Explored the potential of organising a street art festival similar to UpFest in Bristol to improve the quality of street art around the city; this was not progressed due to insufficient resources

Explore the use of graffiti resistant surfaces in hotspot areas

Identify hotspot areas with data gathered from the graffiti database

Explore different graffiti resistant surfaces

Get a quote for a green wall on Madeira Drive hotspot on the promenade

Work with residents and local businesses to encourage consideration of graffiti prevention

Explored the effectiveness of murals. Most murals completed are on private residential and commercial property. Where murals have been created it has had a positive impact

Explored other options in to prevent graffiti tagging, including green walls, textured walls, tiled walls and mesh fencing along walls. Private residential and commercial property owners can implement these measures if they wish, in line with any planning or building regulations

Explored and trialled different graffiti resistant coatings. Two products are now used to make it easier to remove graffiti tagging on multiple surfaces including sandstone, marble, wood, metal and glass

Published tips for deterring graffiti and tagging on the council website; these tips are also provided in graffiti related correspondence such as CPWs and CPNs




Create a database of tag photographs, dates, locations, and hate incidents/ extremist sentiments

Create a Standard Operating Procedure for database handling

Determine who will have what access to editing rights and data storage implications

Identify an effective method for database to be shared with the Police

Use the database and shared intelligence to build spatial intelligence on locations and the frequency of graffiti

Create an online portal for residents to report tagging cases

Collated, and continue to collate, photos of prolific tagging to build a case for when perpetrator identified

Used social media to obtain photos and videos of taggers, which led to the positive identification of two prolific taggers

Created web form for residents to report incidences of tagging, including the functionality to upload photos

Along with partners, take proportionate enforcement action in all cases where a person can be identified and there is sufficient evidence to do so

Explore CCTV and funding

Agree and implement a clear and consistent approach to dealing with offenders

Take enforcement action

The Environmental Enforcement Team issue Fixed Penalty Notices to graffiti perpetrators when sufficient evidence is available

Increased the number of Environmental Enforcement Officers to eight (there were two when the service came in-house in March 2019)

Increased patrols of Environmental Enforcement Officers in hotspot areas

Built a strong working relationship with Sussex Police and work in partnership to tackle the issue of graffiti within the city

Implemented CCTV cameras at hotspot areas to prevent and catch taggers, including at The Level which has reduced the incidence of graffiti

Introduced a graffiti hotline

Undertaken joint action with Sussex Police to prevent tagging, enforce and catch offenders

Conducted several evening joint patrols with Sussex Police to deter and catch taggers

Participated in an anti-graffiti blitz on Providence Place and Ann Street with Sussex Police in July 2021 to clean up the area

Consult with statutory undertakers, businesses and residents on the introduction of an enforcement framework requiring property owners and businesses to remove graffiti or risk being fined

Complete public consultation on graffiti enforcement and framework and take to Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee for approval

Decide on and outline statutory undertakers, businesses and residents responsibility to graffiti removal

Ensure each statutory undertaker legally nominates a point of contact

Discuss the option of BHCC taking responsibility of statutory undertaker’s structures for an annual fee

Provide residents and businesses with support to remove graffiti e.g. free equipment from the paint repository and a chargeable service

Completed a public consultation on the introduction of enforcement measures to tackle graffiti on Statutory Undertaker, large businesses, small to medium sized enterprises and private residential property

Analysed 1028 responses to the public consultation

Sent a letter from the Leader of the Council to Statutory Undertakers, followed by introductory meetings, to identify issues faced, correct lines of escalation of when graffiti and vandalism occurs, current maintenance and cleaning schedules and informing them of new enforcement powers

Obtained a point of contact for each Statutory Undertaker

Introduced CPWs and CPNs to Statutory Undertakers and businesses to request removal of graffiti on their premises

Worked collaboratively with Network Rail to remove graffiti and repaint the bridge on Dyke Road Drive and the wall along Highcroft Villas. Network Rail also completed removal of graffiti at the top of Trafalgar Street and provided paint to Brighton Toy and Model Museum who committed to stay on top of the graffiti in that area

Established Community Clean Up Team for residents to access paint to cover graffiti tagging: How we can help you to paint over graffiti (




Develop an online graffiti reduction resource pack available to community groups/ residents/ Local Action Teams advising on safe and effective graffiti removal techniques and enable groups to obtain necessary materials and equipment

Determine clear, safe and effective guidelines for removing graffiti

Increase the resources dedicated to graffiti removal by sourcing alternative funding

Set up a paint repository to receive and provide paint for community groups to remove graffiti

Explore specialist graffiti removal techniques for fragile/ vulnerable surfaces

Explore funding opportunities to subsidise/ provide graffiti removing equipment

Organise a media statement to advertise the resources available

Provide information on the BHCC website

Created a Standard Operating Procedure for graffiti removal for each product used and for each surface

Increased the number of graffiti operatives to four, plus two jet washers (there was one when the Strategy was agreed in 2018)

Purchased two new electric vans with high-pressure jet washers, rather than heated water for removal. This technology uses less diesel and is cheaper to run

Established Community Clean Up Team for residents to access paint to cover graffiti tagging: How we can help you to paint over graffiti (

Established contracts with specialist contractors to remove graffiti tagging from fragile and vulnerable services where Cityclean is unable to

Work with the Probation Service Community Payback Team to paint out graffiti in large areas

Work with BHCC departments to identify suitable areas e.g. seafront

Work with HR and Health & Safety to agree safeguards and risk assessments required

Identify restorative practices and reparation activities

Identify safe practices for unskilled personal to remove graffiti and identify relevant supervision

Completed clean up with the Youth Offending Service at the Volks railway underpass in August 2019

Completed a community payback graffiti paint out at Barcombe Road garages in August 2019

Inform property owners of their responsibilities on graffiti removal, including how the council can assist and advise

Agree on the role of BHCC in graffiti removal on private property

Organise a media statement to outline the responsibilities

Provide information on the BHCC website

Published tips for deterring graffiti and tagging on the council website; these tips are also provided in graffiti related correspondence such as CPWs and CPNs

Started to undertake remedial work if a CPN is not adhered to, removing graffiti from business property and invoicing for the cost of the works; this has helped in the removal of graffiti from large businesses and have been successful in three cases

Complete an options appraisal for the introduction of a chargeable graffiti removal service and implement preferred option

Complete options appraisal and take to Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee for approval for preferred option

Received approval from Committee in September 2020 to introduce a chargeable graffiti removal service; opportunities to use this are limited because the resources needs to be prioritised to remove graffiti from council property

Measuring and Monitoring



Provide regular feedback to key stakeholders, including Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee and to the LAT Chair’s Forum

Create a performance framework monitoring performance of the Graffiti Reduction Strategy

Hold quarterly multi-agency graffiti reduction monitoring meetings, to monitor the action plan and consider new innovations

Implemented a new database within the Environmental Enforcement team. This facilitates the reporting and monitoring of how many FPNs, CPWs, CPNs have been issued

Regular updates have been provided to the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee as detailed in the Background Documents section of the main report

Continue to explore best practice and benchmark our performance against other local authorities

Regular intelligence meetings with the Police, including PTAC

Environmental Enforcement Officers and BID Ambassadors to share information and good practice

Attended meetings of PTTCG and JAG with Sussex Police and other key stakeholders to share intelligence and take joint action


Graffiti resources on the council website

How we can help you to paint over graffiti: How we can help you to paint over graffiti (

Volunteer with the Tidy Up Team: Volunteer with the Tidy Up Team (

What to do about graffiti: What to do about graffiti (


Graffiti related news stories

7 August 2023: Pausing graffiti enforcement for small businesses (

13 June 2023: We’re reviewing graffiti enforcement in the city (

18 July 2023: Councillors lead Brighton & Hove’s Big Clean Up (

6 July 2023: The Big Clean Up weekend is just around the corner (

20 June 2023: The Brighton & Hove Big Clean Up weekend! (

6 April 2023: New deterrent measures at The Level (

16 March 2023: The Great British Spring Clean returns to Brighton & Hove (

20 February 2023: A day of environmental enforcement action (

2 February 2023: Graffiti removed from busy areas across the city (

24 September 2022: Targeted action to tackle problem graffiti (

8 April 2022: Springing into action for the Great British Spring Clean (

22 March 2022: Get involved in the Great British Spring Clean - it's coming soon! (

24 January 2022: Community Protection Notices extended to tackle graffiti and brighten up city streets (

23 July 2021: Council and police launch joint action against graffiti (

28 May 2021: Let’s all get involved and help Keep Brighton & Hove Tidy (

1 October 2020: A big thank you for the big tidy up (

15 September 2020: Dirt, tags and stickers washed away as city sleeps (

10 September 2020: Council calls on everyone to help Keep Brighton & Hove Tidy (

18 August 2020: New way to report graffiti offences (

19 November 2018: Council plans to 'reclaim our streets' from graffiti taggers (